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Harmon.ie for SharePoint

harmon.ie for SharePoint is an Outlook sidebar that drives document and social adoption of SharePoint without changing user behavior, by providing every business user easy, full-featured access to SharePoint from the convenience of the email client. harmon.ie combines enterprise social interactions with document collaboration.

For example, when sending out a document for review, it is no longer necessary to call or email colleagues to see if they have edited the document. With harmon.ie, you are immediately notified of those changes and you can see which colleagues have made them, right in the place you spend your workday; the email window.





Interview mit Jörg Stappert, Regional Sales Manager D-A-CH, Harmon.ie im SharePointPodcast 181


Weitere Videos: harmon.ie for SharePoint – Outlook Edition Training Videos



  • Joerg Stappert, Country Manager D-A-CH
  • Cell: +49 173 6534111
  • Main: +49 211 2409 2204
  • Fax: +972 8 9219389
  • Mail: joergs@harmon.ie