Schlagwort: Infographic

Infografik Development Poster für Microsoft Teams

Carsten Büttemeier gibt in seiner Infografik „Development Poster für Microsoft Teams“ einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, Microsoft Teams an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anzupassen.

„Mit der Einführung von Microsoft Teams hat die Produktgruppe schon sehr früh Konzepte und Methoden für Entwickler herausgegeben, wie der Client mit eigenen Versatzstücken erweitert werden kann. Dieser Artikel fasst die derzeitigen Möglichkeiten …


Tipp: Groups, Teams, Yammer – Was-Wann? Hier gibt es einen detaillierten Einblick

Eine der am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zu Office 365 ist derzeit „Wann nutze ich welches Feature?“ – Matt Wade von gibt dazu in einem sehr ausführlichen Blogartikel „An everyday Guide to Office Groups“ einen sehr guten Einblick, wie Groups, Teams und Yammer einzuordnen sind, wie die einzelnen Bausteine zusammenspielen und hat das alles nicht nur …


[EN] SharePointSocial News Lagniappe | week 16.12

The Three Essential Steps to a Socially Engaged Enterprise

„A study by PulsePoint Group in conjunction with “The Economist” Intelligence Unit titled “The Economics of the Socially Engaged Enterprise” has revealed that the socially engaged companies have a 400% greater impact. The study also outlined the steps that are essential to becoming a …


[EN] A Step by Step Guide to Office 365 Infographic

Great Infographic by Cloud Hypermarket: A Step by Step Guide to Office 365

[EN] Infographic iPad3 USA in anticipation of the new iPad

The iPad3 release is expected within the next weeks.

„There are some significant changes expected and to gain a better understanding on the current state of the American consumers’ current iPad usage and anticipation of the iPad 3, AYTM conducted DIY market research utilizing our online consumer panel and survey tool.“

Click on the picture …


[EN] Infographic The History of Mobile App Stores

The Shoutem-Blog has published a detailed infographic illustrating the history and evolution of the five most successful Mobile App Stores – Android Market, iPhone App Store, Ovi Store, BB App World and Windows Phone Marketplace.


Brought to you by ShoutEm – App Creator

[EN] SharePointSocial News Lagniappe | week 03.12

A weekly summary of news about social business and SharePoint

101 Examples of Social Business ROI


  • SharePoint in Education – The Social Intranet (Setup: Part 2) | SharePoint 365
  • Adoption Strategies for User Profiles in SharePoint 2010
  • Microsoft Outlook Social Connector Provider for Facebook
  • OneNote and SharePoint 2010: Online Collaboration and Social Independent …


[EN] SharePointSocial News Lagniappe | week 02.12

What’s a Lagnaippe?

„Something given or obtained gratuitously – is a small gift given to a customer by a merchant“ (Wikipedia)

What’s the SharePointSocial News Lagniappe?

A weekly summary of news about social business.

Google Bizz

  • Google’s Social media disaster – The 10 must read articles
  • Google Makes Search Social; Focus On Building Much …


[DE] Infographic The Problem with The Intranet

Socialcast zeigt in dieser Infographic die Probleme traditioneller Intranets in einer Welt, in der sich die Art und Weise wie Informationenn erstellt und geteilt werden, verändert.


Infographic The Future, Social CEO

Infographic von CEO.COM:

„For CEOs, the benefits of social media are no longer just rumors or wishful thinking. Those who have figured it out are seeing success like never before. So how are CEOs using social media? What exactly are the benefits? And most importantly, what does the future hold for social media …
