28.09.2020 - 18:00 - 22:00 Uhr
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Termin: Outlook: iCal
On August 28th, 2020 our next Meetup takes place – again, it’s planned as a Microsoft Teams meeting.
This time we have Mustafa Toroman with us, so parts of this meetup will be delivered in english.
Agenda (under construction):
18:00-18:30 Landing Zone / Opening / Basics
18:30-19:30 Uhr Mustafa Toroman: Azure Active Directory best practices from the field (engl.)
19:30-19:45 Uhr BYO Pizza & drinks, and Networking
19:45-20:45 Uhr Sia Ghassemi: Unleash the full power of Excel Spreadsheets with Azure Serverless
20:45-21:00 Uhr Closing notes & Networking (open end)
Be aware that we may consider to record the sessions! Other parts of the meetup as well as discussion will not be recorded.
Mustafa Toroman: Azure Active Directory best practices from the field
Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant, cloud based directory and identity management service. It’s also new boundary layer for security and everyone is using it. But it brings many questions like how to set up perfect hybrid environment, what should we sync, should we use MFA, should we allow access to external users…
In this session, we will discuss what are do’s and don’t’s extracted from experience from the field.
Mustafa Toroman is a program architect and lead system engineer with Authority Partners. With years of experience of designing and monitoring infrastructure solutions, lately, he focuses on designing new solutions in the cloud and migrating existing solutions to the cloud.
Mustafa has over 30 Microsoft certifications and has been an MCT since 2012. He often speaks at international conferences (such as MS Ignite, European Collaboration Summit, Techdays, etc.) about cloud technologies.
Mustafa also authored books Hands-On Cloud Administration in Azure and Azure Networking Cookbook, and co-authored Learn Node.js with Azure.
Sia Ghassemi: Unleash the full power of Excel Spreadsheets with Azure Serverless
Thanks to the new Custom Functions for Excel, you can now connect your Spreadsheet to Azure. Where as fetching data from Azure Datastores in spreadsheets is a everyday feature, Custom Functions gives developers the power to move business logic out of a spreadsheet and into Azure to enable the best experience for Users. Use Azure Functions to host your business logic and Excel-formulas don’t have to change, when the algorithm changes. Use Azure SignalR Service to update a cell frequently, without any interaction.
Sia Ghassemi is not just a passionate software architect and Microsoft MVP for the category Azure, he is also the founder of sia-consulting limited, a company specialized in GDPR, dev-security and cloud-security. He is a frequent speaker and workshop-lead at different conferences throughout germany and canada.
In this session you see how you can use Excel and Azure Serverless to bring the best Experience to Users.
Wie immer:
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