Berlin – AI & Healthcare: What to expect in 2021 (and beyond)?

11.02.2021 - 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr


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Termin: Outlook: iCal

What better way to start the year than with one of our favorite topics with some fresh new outlooks for 2021. So here we go again into the void and explore AI in Healthcare.

There are few industries where the potential of AI is more hyped than in healthcare and with possibly millions of lives at stake, it often feels like the results are underwhelming, maybe even disappointing. However, there are a host of interesting initiatives for implementing more AI inside of healthcare systems, which gives hope the best is soon(ish) to come

In this next Meetup co-organized by Machine Learning in Healthcare, we invite you to address together with us some of the opportunities and challenges of AI in Healthcare. We will focus on the most pressing issues at the beginning of 2021, and developments our experts envision for the near future.

We will have renowned specialists in the field to share their knowledge and reflections with us. Our exquisite panelists for the night are:

Dr. Vince Madai – Senior AI researcher at the Charite

Michelle Livne – ML Research Engineer at Google Health

Renee Yao – Global Healthcare AI Startups Lead at NVIDIA


We’ll wait for you!!!