#GlobalAzure 2020 Munich – Eventbrite registration required

25.04.2020 - 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Microsoft HQ Germany
Walter-Gropius Straße 5
Deutschland URL
Anmeldung über diesen Link


Termin: Outlook: iCal

UPDATE 11.03.2020

But wait! #GlobalAzure will go virtual! Stay tuned and we will share all information here!

UPDATE 8.3.2020

In light of the developing situation with the coronavirus and COVID-19, and out of an abundance of concern for the health of people attending and those travelling to events, the Global Azure Admin team has taken the difficult decision to cancel this year’s event.


Save the date!
All around the world user groups and communities want to learn about Azure and Cloud Computing!

Support the Community as a speaker: https://sessionize.com/global-azure-2020-munich/

On April 23-25, 2020, all communities will come together once again in the seventh great Global Azure event! Each user group organizes their own one to three day Azure event the way they see fit and how it works for their members. The result is that thousands of people will get together to learn about Azure and join together online under the social media hashtag #GlobalAzure!

Get your ticket: https://globalazure2020muc.eventbrite.de