17.11.2020 - 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr
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Termin: Outlook: iCal
18:45 – Warming up and networking chat
19:00 – „Migrating from CloudFormation to the CDK“
International speaker: Adam Ruka (AWS CDK team)
Speaker bio:
„Adam is a software engineer working for AWS on the Cloud Development Kit team in Seattle.“
„The Cloud Development Kit is a new way to use Infrastructure-as-Code with AWS. The framework allows you to code in familiar programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java and C#, and produces CloudFormation templates that actually provision the resources. But what if you have an existing CloudFormation Stack, but want to switch to using CDK for it? In this talk, we’ll demonstrate how to perform this migration using a relatively new module in the CDK called cloudformation-include.“
Level 300
19:45 – „Compliance Automation (Intro & Discussion)“
Local speaker: Schlomo Schapiro (Deutsche Bahn)
Speaker bio:
Schlomo Schapiro is an Agile IT and Open Source enthusiast dedicated to advancing an agile mindset and a DevOps-orientated culture in IT. He works as Chief Architect in the CTO team of DB Systel in Berlin, is author of several Open Source projects, and regularly publishes blog and magazine articles.
„I would like to raise the topic of compliance automation for AWS. I can open with a few slides and then I would like to discuss with the participants about this topic:
* Do you automate compliance checks?
* What are you checking for?
* What prevents you from checking?“
Level 400