18.05.2021 - 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr
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Termin: Outlook: iCal
18:45 – Warming up and networking chat
19:00 – „How many DevOps engineers are required to run a web application on Amazon ECS? Zero!“
International speaker: Ruslan Kosolapov (Plesk)
Speaker bio:
„Program Manager with strong technical background in Web, Software as a Service (SaaS), Hosting, Web Applications, Linux, Clouds, AWS.“
„What to do if you want to run your web app on AWS, but have no idea how? Get a SaaS Control Panel that takes care of DevOps! Let me show you the live demo of that.
Once upon a time, I wanted to host a Rust game server on AWS. I asked people, „“how can I do that?““ and got a lot of comments about the complexity of AWS.
I have the same opinion – AWS is complex. We faced with this complexity when we developed our services.
What if there is a simple SaaS control panel for AWS? So you can specify a git repo URL with a Dockerfile, your AWS account, and a couple of options (e.g., autoscaling options, database options, etc.) voila – the solution does all the job to configure and run your web app on AWS.“
Level 200
19:45 – „When event-driven systems meet CSV reports“
Speaker: Michael Wittig (cloudonaut.io)
Speaker bio:
„On a mission to explore AWS. Sharing my insights at cloudonaut.io. Follow me to deepen your AWS knowledge, stay up to date, and be inspired.“
„Event-driven architectures come with many benefits. But in the end, the customer asks for a CSV report. An aggregated snapshot of all events. It turns out that AWS provides all the building blocks to turn any event stream into a CSV report. In this talk, you learn to combine SNS, Kinesis Firehose, S3, Step Functions, and Athena to generate CSV reports.“
Level 200