Azure Meetup Frankfurt Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Webinar Series: 1. Session

15.06.2021 - 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr


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Termin: Outlook: iCal

Time Slot: 4 PM – 7 PM CEST
Title: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Webinar Series

In this three-part series you will learn what Kubernetes is, how it works and how to develop applications for it.

We will stick to the curriculum of the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Certification, covering everything you need to pass the exam and to get started on sailing your Containers on the deep seas of your Kubernetes Clusters.

Session 1 (out of 3 sessions): What is Kubernetes and does it work?
Here you will learn everything you need to know about, what makes Kubernetes, Kubernetes.
What is the Control Plane? How does a Cluster communicate? How can I interact with the API Server?

All these questions and much more we will go into detail, so you understand why Kubernetes is such a flexible and powerful platform.

Speaker: Niko Mix
Tech enthusiast working with and for Microsoft, passionate about solving complex problems and software development.

Disclaimer: Though working for Microsoft, Content and Opinions shared in this session are only from myself and do not represent Microsoft.