Azure Cologne Meetup: Monitoring Azure and Office 365 from Cybersecurity Center (SOC SIEM)

17.09.2020 - 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr


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Termin: Outlook: iCal

Wir freuen uns das nächste Security Meetup mit einem besonderen Sprecher aus der Praxis anbieten zu können.

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Monitoring Azure and Office 365

Remote employment is here to stay for the near future at least and some companies have already transformed digitally to accommodate the changes.
This changes entail additional digital risks as volume and complexity increases and digital identities create opportunities for adversaries.
In order to make remote working safer, after conducting best preventive controls. additional monitoring, detection and response is required,
BDO managed detection and response services serves monitoring capabilities around different aspects of the of the digital organization –
In this session, we will present monitoring Office 365 and Azure, combined with traditional VPN access and on premise monitoring.

Sprache: en (il)

Speaker: Dori Fisher
Head of Managed Cyber Security Services
BDO Cybersecurity Center Israel

Dori wird aus Israel, Tel Aviv gegenüber vom neuen Microsoft Office Israel zugeschaltet. Sein Team arbeitet mit den Entwicklern Microsoft Sentinel und auch Palo Alto zusammen. Er betreut nationale und internationale Kunden mit einem SOC aus Israel. Israel ist der Hotspot für Security Lösungen, was auch die vielen Zukäufe von Microsoft zeigte, sowie die vielen Entwickler von Microsoft, die aus Israel ATP, SOC und mehr Lösungen entwickeln.

We are pleased to offer the next Security Meetup with a special speaker from the field.

Monitoring Azure and Office 365

Remote employment is here to stay for the near future at least and some companies have already transformed digitally to accommodate the changes.
This changes entail additional digital risks as volume and complexity increases and digital identities create opportunities for adversaries.
In order to make remote working safer, after conducting best preventive controls. additional monitoring, detection and response is required,
BDO managed detection and response services serves monitoring capabilities around different aspects of the of the digital organization –
In this session, we will present monitoring Office 365 and Azure, combined with traditional VPN access and on premise monitoring.

Language: en (il)

Speaker: Dori Fisher
Head of Managed Cyber Security Services
BDO Cybersecurity Center Israel

Dori is connected from Israel, Tel Aviv across the street from the new Microsoft Office Israel. His team works with the developers of Microsoft Sentinel and also Palo Alto SOC Siem solutions. He serves national and international customers with an SOC from Israel.

MEETING: Microsoft Teams