02.07.2024 - 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr
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AI TechDay: Copilot+PC meets Recall (Deutsch)
Dienstag, 02. Juli 2024
17.00 bis 18.30 Uhr
Location: Online
Copilot+PC meets Recall
During Build 2024 in Seattle, Microsoft presented the Copilot+ PC and the Recall program, which was immediately rejected by many due to security concerns. However, the program was in preview at the time and Microsoft announced changes. I have put together a few videos and describe why I will buy this device as a consultant and why it will save me 1-2 hours a day.
Hans Brender
IT-Influencer, Mentor, Cloud Productivity Evangelist @HBSoft
Alexander Wachtel
Microsoft AI MVP & MCT, CEO @ESC Deutschland GmbH