BrickRed has published 4 free web parts on Google Code to show the Facebook updates of your organization on your SharePoint portal.
The webparts support SharePoint 2007 & SharePoint 2010.
- First that can be used to show the facebook wall of any user on the SharePoint portal.
- Second webpart can be used to post updates to facebook directly from your sharepoint portal.
- Third webpart, the Like Box, is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. The Like Box enables users to see how many users already like this Page, and which of their friends like it too.
- Fourth webpart, the Like button, lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook. When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the user’s friends‘ News Feed with a link back to your website.
Just download, install and configure, and you are all set. Follow the step by step guides for the configuration and installation sections on the Google Code Project site.