22.08.2018 - 18:00 - 21:00 Uhr
Microsoft HQ Germany
Walter-Gropius Straße 5
Anmeldung über diesen Link
Termin: Outlook: iCal
Its time again 🙂 – Together with our locations in Bochum, Hamburg, Dresden and Munich, we bring you these even more interesting topics:
– News about Teams and the Roadmap
– Migration to Teams, from On-Premise and within the Office 365 SfB Online
– Teams Interoperability (with SfB and Federation), as well as Devices
Register 6:00 – 6:30
Welcome and Session 1: 6:30 – 7:00
Pause 1: 7:00 – 7:15
Session 2: 7:15 – 8:00
Session 3: 8:00 – ca. 8:30
Q&A: 8:30 – open end
Session 1: (Michael Plettner) – MUC
• Roadmap Überblick, Rückblick, Ausblick
• Heile Welt mit Phone System
Session 2: (Thomas Poett, MVP & Frank Schuster Microsoft) – MUC
• Migrationspfad laut Microsoft (SfB zu Teams)
o mit Direct Routing
o Phone System in Kombination
Session 3: (Dennis Winkelmann) – HH
• InterOp und CoExist zwischen SfB und Teams
• TeamsInteropPolicy vs. TeamsUpgradePolicy
• Coexistence modes
• Routing, Meeting and Client Behavior