27.06.2018 - 18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Bayerstr. 71-73
Anmeldung über diesen Link
Termin: Outlook: iCal
Hallo zusammen
ich möchte euch ganz herzlich zum Sommertreffen der SharePoint User Group / Meetup am 27.06 bei Rencore einladen.
Wir werden einen Vortrag von Liam Cleary zu folgendem Thema haben
Investigation and Forensics within Office 365
When a breach has happened within any organization, there is a window of first acknowledging the breach then comes the investigation. This process can be painful and laborious as it involves lengthy processes of viewing log files and trying to build a picture of what happened. Within Office 365, we are somewhat at a disadvantage because of not having direct access to the servers themselves. However, there are ways of performing an investigation by using some of the services available within the Security and Compliance Center, Azure Active Directory and Tenant, or even by using specific features at the service level.
At the end of this session will have learned the following:
Investigation components available within Office 365
- Investigation components available within Microsoft Azure for Office 365
- Service level auditing capabilities
- How to utilize other services such as Advanced Security Management and Cloud App Security
ich würde mich freuen viele neue und alte Gesichter zu sehen