05.09.2019 - 18:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Microsoft HQ Germany
Walter-Gropius Straße 5
Anmeldung über diesen Link
Termin: Outlook: iCal
The Global AI Night is a free evening event organized by communities all over the world that are passionate about Artificial Intelligence on the Microsoft Azure.During this AI Night you will get inspired through sessions and get your hands dirty during the workshops. By the end of the night you will be able to infuse AI into your applications.
´This event is hosted by Microsoft Germany in Munich where we will have a cool time together, cool topics with cool people like you 🙂
We have great speakers with great topics around AI, Machine Learning and Cognitive Services. We are digging up a slightly dusty project „Magic Mirror“ and try to give impulses for the possibilities that exist today.
Our schedule:
- 18.30 – Open Doors
- 19.00 – Welcome
- 19.05 – Key Note
- 19.20 – 5 min break
- 19.25 – Lightning Talk: Virtual Assistants – Hot shit or Bullshit | by Timo Demler, doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH
- 19.30 – Intelligence Kiosk – explore and try out | by Ralf Richter, Azure Dev Meetup Munich
- 19.55 – 5 min break
- 20.00 – Custom Vision and the Vision AI DevKit – running AI on the edge | by João Pedro „jota“ Martins, Microsoft Germany
- 20.30 – 5 Min Break
- 20.35 – Automated Machine Learning on Azure | by Clemens Siebler, Microsoft Germany
- 21.05 – Open Discussion with all Speakers
- 21.30 – End
Looking forward to see u there!