21.09.2021 - 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr
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Termin: Outlook: iCal
18:45 – Warming up and networking chat
19:00 – „Introduction to AWS Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)“
International Speaker: Charles Okochu (Amazon Web Services)
Speaker bio:
„Charles Okochu is the Snr Business Development Manager/GTM Specialist for Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He has over 15 years of experience in IT architecture, systems integration, information security, blockchain technology and digital assets.“
„Amazon QLDB is a ledger database that combines the strong transactional consistency of a relational database with the scale of modern event-driven systems, the verifiable data integrity common to blockchain, and the flexibility of a document database. QLDB’s unique properties for data provenance and cryptographic verifiability enable customers to implement systems of record with data integrity built-in rather than added as a secondary consideration.“
Level 200
19:45 – „Going GitOps with AWS(CDK) – Our team’s 2020 journey“
Speaker: Tom Roshko (AxelSpringer Ideas Engineering)
Speaker bio:
„Cloud Engineer, AWS profi, Likes pistaccio ice cream“
„In this session I want to share our learnings from bootstrapping a project and team development platform from scratch. We went GitOps, adopting AWS (for virtually anything) powered by the AWS-CDK. We learned a lot and built a lot.“
Level 300