19.10.2021 - 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr
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Termin: Outlook: iCal
18:45 – Warming up and networking chat
19:00 – „For the love of PROD: Test Your code“
Speaker: Darko Meszaros (Amazon Web Services)
Speaker bio:
„Darko is a Senior Developer Advocate focusing on Central and Eastern Europe. His goal is to share his passion and technological know-how with Engineers, Developers, and communities across the world. If it can be automated, he will definitely try to do so. Most of his focus is towards DevOps and Management Tools, where automation, pipelines, and efficient developer tools is the name of the game – click less and code more so you do not repeat yourself – is what he says!“
„That’s it! You hit that git push command! The code it’s on it’s way to production. It’s an amazing piece of code, after all – you wrote it. But are you sure its good? Are you sure it will not break anything down the line? I’m sorry for making you think about it… Okay, let’s talk about code testing strategies on AWS, so you no longer have to worry if your code is bad.“
Level 200
19:45 – „Using Third Party Resources via AWS CDK“
International Speaker: Mert Saygı (Getir)
Speaker bio:
„Mert is Platform & Infrastructure Engineer at a Turkish unicorn startup that name is Getir. Before Getir, he has worked as DevOps Engineer at VNGRS and he worked in many various projects for sector leading companies in Turkey. He is trying to contribute AWS CDK related open-source projects and also trying to write technical artical on Medium. “
„Everyone uses some tools like CloudFormation, Terraform or AWS CDK for Infrastructre as Code. The infrastructres not only consist of AWS related components, also third party resources like New Relic, MongoDB Atlas or OpsGenie is needed for our infrastructures. In this event, we’ll get hands on experience about integration of third parties to AWS CloudFormation and use them in our CDK Stacks.
1. Resource Creation Ways on AWS
2. What is AWS CDK and How To Use It?
3. How To Develop and Use Private CloudFormation Resources for Third Parties
4. Creation of Level 1 CDK Constructs from CloudFormation Resources Using cfn2ts
5. Create Third Party Resources via AWS CDK“
Level 300