Der Call for Papers für die Office 365 and SharePoint Connect 2018, die vom 13.-15.11.2018 in Amsterdam stattfindet, läuft noch bis zum 2.Juli 2018.
Eine gute Möglichkeit im Herbst selbst mal die Bühne zu betreten und Erfahrungen aus eigener Perspektive vorzutragen.
Hier Vortragsangebot einreichen!
For 2018 we are returning to the traditional “SharePoint Connect” format, providing a mix of local and international speakers, including Microsoft, MCMs and MVPs. The conference will present news and announcements from Microsoft Ignite as well as deeper dives into the key topics across Office 365, SharePoint, Azure, OneDrive and Teams. We will also include material on wider industry trends such as AI. Examples include:
- Azure Security and Management
- Practical guide for end to end Compliance
- PowerApps, Flow and the Common Data Service
- Content Services in Office 365
- Office 365 Network Connectivity
- SharePoint On Premises, present and future
- SharePoint Online developer roadmap
In addition, our traditional pre-conference workshops will cater for Developers, IT Pros and Business Decision makers. The full agenda will be announced in the first week of July.