European Collaboration Summit 2020

29.11.2021 - 01.12.2021

Messe Düsseldorf
Deutschland URL
Anmeldung über diesen Link


Termin: Outlook: iCal

UPDATE 4.3.2021

Big news: we’re moving both CollabSummit and CloudSummit downriver from Wiesbaden to Düsseldorf, and “down-calendar” from June and September to 29 November – 01 December. That’s right — both events at the same place and time. So mark your calendars, make your plans, and tell all your friends!

Why am I happy about this? By November, vaccinations should be widespread, so travel protocols will be easier. Plus, Düsseldorf is the land of Kraftwerk and Grünkohlessen — and it has an umlaut in its name, and umlauts are badass.

Expect great speakers, great content, and great new Surprising Stuff (we’re always innovating, and this year is no exception). Seriously — how can you not attend this?

UPDATE 6.8.2020

Unfortunately, although as you may have expected, we have decided to postpone CollabSummit until June 2021.

This is for two key reasons. Firstly, our venue was unable, indeed were unwilling to even consider offering proposals, with respect to holding the conference in line with the necessary measures and regulations for Covid-19. Secondly, the German state of Hesse has extended the ban on large events from August 31st to October 31st, which of course includes our original rescheduled dates. As such, there was no way around postponing the event until next year. Of course we are disappointed, but at the same time at least there is now clarity on what can happen and when.

The new dates are 14-16 June, 2021. We will be at the same venue (RMCC Wiesbaden).

UPDATE 6.4.2020

Der überaus erfolgreiche und beliebte Community-Event European Collaboration Summit findet auch im Jahr 2020 wieder in Wiesbaden statt – Termin ist der 26.-28.10.2020.


Bevor ihr bucht – hier vorbeischauen und zusätzlich sparen.