Rencore, die Firma hinter dem SharePoint Code Analysis Framework SPCAF, führt wieder den „State of SharePoint and Office 365 Development Survey 2016“ durch und bitte um zahlreiche Beteiligung bis zum 16.10.2016.
Bitte hier mitmachen – es gibt auch was zu gewinnen.
With 1,000 people taking part last year, we would like to ask you to contribute to this year’s survey. As well as adding your voice to the SharePoint and Office 365 community and getting exclusive access to the survey report, you’ll also have the chance to win some awesome prizes like a MS Band 2, a ticket to the ESPC in Vienna, an SPCAF Audit & Review license or one of ten 25$ Amazon gift cards.
To participate, please click the study link below and complete the survey by Sunday, October 16th. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!