Wikis mit SharePoint sind immer noch ein aktuelles Thema, wenn es um Tools zum Social Business geht. Gerade in den letzten Wochen sind hier auf der SharePointSocial viele Suchanfragen rund um Wikis eingegangen. Grund genug für eine Recherche nach aktuellen Artikeln und Anleitungen, die sich mit Tipps und Tricks für das SharePoint Wiki beschäftigen. Ergänzend dazu natürlich der Blick in unsere SharePoint Wiki-Extension Übersichtsseite.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly of SharePoint Wikis
„In this article the author highlights the pros and cons of corporate wikis in Sharepoint and why so many of them fail to deliver the expected outcome.“
Creating Bookmarks and Anchors on SharePoint 2013 wiki pages
„This guide is on creating Anchors and Bookmarks in a wiki page. Wiki pages are a fantastic and easy thing to create. However in certain cases, you may not want multiple pages, just one really long page that users can step into and jump back to the top as they discover the information they seek.“
Fixing Enterprise Wiki Page Titles and URLs in SharePoint 2013
„Enterprise Wiki pages in SharePoint 2013 (as with SharePoint 2010) are pretty easy pages for users to create and author. There are a few things that bugs the author and other standards advocates out there, chief of which are the title and file name problems.“
Add Table of Contents to a Wiki page in SharePoint 2010
„The content of wiki pages can get really long sometimes. A client has asked to create a table of contents like the one that is used in Word documents to navigate to contents. This article online was quite helpful to get started. In the article, the author added scripts to the wiki page layout. In this case, the client didn’t use publishing pages. So the author added the scripts to web parts and then add the web parts to the content.“
Enhance Wiki Page Layout by adding a navgational Table of Contents
„The content of wiki pages can get sometimes longer than it should be. The normal content length of publishing page or wiki pages should have a length that shouldn’t be longer than one or two screen. In this case a table of content can be useful to enhance the navigation on a single wiki page and give a brief overview about the content.“
Can we create a default template for new Wiki pages in Sharepoint Foundation 2013?
„Is it possible to create a template to use as default new Wiki pages ? With the SP Foundation 2013 version, you can’t use the Design Manager. „
Moving Wiki Pages in SharePoint
„The wiki library does not give you any built in capability to move or copy files. There are few ways to work around this issue.“
Upload Word Document or HTML to SharePoint Wiki Workaround
„Copying a word document or HTML to a SharePoint Wiki that contains articles can be a long manual process in SharePoint 2010. The author has tried many different techniques and looked at many different articles to try to achieve this. This is the only “free” work around he could find.“
Hiding Web Parts on Enterprise Wiki Pages with SharePoint
„It is a common developer’s practice in SharePoint to add web parts to pages and then hide them. Hiding web parts is useful when you want to add specific functionality to a page without displaying the web part.“