Schlagwort: Yammer

[DE] Microsoft FORUM Social Enterprise mit SharePoint – Mitarbeitergenerationen und Arbeitsstile optimal vereinen

Die Veranstaltungsreihe Microsoft FORUM Social Enterprise mit SharePoint – Mitarbeitergenerationen und Arbeitsstile optimal vereinen wendet sich an IT-Entscheider aus Großunternehmen.

Von der Wirklichkeit überrollt werden möchte niemand. Viele CIOs müssen heute konstatieren, dass ihr Unternehmen längst im Social Business angekommen ist – und zwar mit Mitteln außerhalb der vorgegebenen IT. Damit sich Beschäftigte nicht ihre eigenen Social-Wege …


[EN] Productivity Improvement with Yammer and SharePoint 2010

Chris Buckley takes a look into the useful integration of Microsoft’s latest aquistion Yammer already available in SharePoint 2010.

Here’s the use case: You add a document to SharePoint, or maybe you’ve found a useful presentation or site within your company portal and want to share it with your team through a Yammer group on your …


[EN] NewsGator announces Social Sites 3.0 and SharePoint 2013 Compatibility

Just a few weeks after Microsoft announced its SharePoint 2013 public beta version, NewsGator today unveiled a major new release of its Social Sites software that is compatible with both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 and offers an innovative way to find, consume and contribute content to make users smarter and more productive.

One of the …


[DE] Aus der Praxis Social Business mit SharePoint und Newsgator

In der heutigen Ausgabe 228 des SharePointPodcasts setzen wir die Sommerinterview-Reihe fort. SharePoint MVP Michael Greth hat diesmal Andrej Doms von der MT AG und Organisator der SharePoint UserGroup in Düsseldorf zu Gast.

Die MT AG hat in diesem Jahr ihr SharePoint 2010 Intranet zu einer Social Business Plattform ausgebaut. Dabei wurden verschiedene Alternativen getestet: Yammer, Lotus Connections und Newsgator. …


[DE] Kauft Microsoft Yammer ?

Die Gerüchteküche brodelt: offenbar will Microsoft Yammer kaufen:

  • Microsoft Rumored To Acquire Yammer
  • Microsoft to buy Yammer for more than $1 bln – WSJ

[EN] Casestudy Enterprise 2.0 at Alcatel-Lucent

The 80,000-worker telecommunications giant Alcatel-Lucent began adopting social media inside the organization as far back as 2008. But Alcatel isn’t stopping at basic social collaboration. Dion Hinchcliffe published a casestudy how Alcatel implemented a social plattform first on Yammer than on Jive in connection with SharePoint.

Read the whole story at Enterprise 2.0 Success: Alcatel-Lucent


[EN] 39 Solutions for Doing Social Business with SharePoint

Doing Social Business with SharePoint is easy and hard at the same time.

  • Easy, because SharePoint has lot’s of basic social functions build in like mysites, ratings, content tagging, blogs, wikis, noteboards, and more. Just start to use them.
  • Hard, because the basic out of the box functions SharePoint falls short of many end-user expectations around social. Customization …
