Neue Artikel zum SharePoint Wiki

wikiWiki und SharePoint – immer ein beliebtes Thema – hier wieder ein paar Beiträge, die in den letzten Monaten publiziert wurden.


Hinweis Mehr zum Thema SharePoint Wiki findet man in der Rubrik Wiki Extensions.

Eigene Text-Styles im WIKI Editor von SharePoint (Martin Groblschegg)

Der Wiki-Editor von SharePoint ermöglicht das einfache Erstellen von Dokumentationen und Erklärungen. Manchmal ist es jedoch notwendig die vorgefertigten Formatvorlagen um eigene zu erweitern. Im konkreten Fall ging es darum, eine Vorlage für SourceCode zu erstellen. Die Schrift sollte Courier New sein.

Leveraging Enterprise Wikis to Improve Engagement (Christian Buckley)

Since the earliest days of SharePoint, teams have used out-of-the-box and third-party features and capabilities that leverage enterprise wikis as a way to improve end user adoption and engagement.

Triggering of Confluence Wiki from SharePoint via PowerShell (Elke Fossan)

One of the most notorious project tasks is the Integration of SharePoint with competitive solutions. One of them is Atlassian Confluence Wiki. In the recent past the integration requests of SharePoint with Confluence are becoming more frequent. This task can be solved through the usage of Atlassian Confluence SharePoint Connector and automated by PowerShell.

How to Create a Wiki Page in Office 365 (365 Ninja)

Did you know that the default type of page on a SharePoint site is considered a wiki? Your admin may not have chosen to maintain the wiki style of all SharePoint pages, but you might encounter a wiki as you work on some portion of your team site. SharePoint wikis can be added to, edited, or linked to/within, all without any special editing tools.

How To Videos (Peter Kalmström)

SharePoint Wiki Page Editing – Introduction

SharePoint Wiki Linking